Services - Charitable Activities

What we plan to do ?

  • Goshala - Desi Goshala
  • Annapurna Alayam - Nityaanna prasadam
  • Amrutha Dhara - Mineral Water plant
  • IKS Hub - (Indian Knowledge Systems) - Cultural Center

Traditionally Temple has been a knowledge exchange center, which guided us to the path of righteousness and to lead dharmic life, the activities of the vasavi mandir is conjuction with development of the society and specific needs of aryavysya community, we build an ecosystem for mutual growth of temple patrons, conduct activities for the betterment of the aryavysya community.

about about

Nitya Sevas

Daily sevas at mandir

Make a Donation

Donate Us To Help

Mandir Nirmanam / Construction

Join us in completing the Temple construction with your contributions and

Temple Garbhalaya, Shikaram & Salaharam

Rs 19,92,000

Temple Consturction Materials (brick and bolts)

Rs 10,00,000

Mandir Poshana : Nitya Seva Lifetime memberships

Temple is place where the cosmic enery is concentrated and individual growth with family welfare is achieved by devine grace of mata, the rituals empower the atmosphere with cosmic energy for everybody develoment, be part of the nobel cause and donate generously for the development of self and society

Maharaja poshaka

Rs 2,11,116



What Our Congregation Say


The commitement of team is extraordinary, especially woman there participation in building activities and raising capital with there savings is great. seeing there enthusiasm - we from Triesol Tech decided to take up tech activities which will help them and mandir community.


If money help a man to do well to others, it is of some value; but if not, it is simply a mass of evil, and the sooner it got rid of, the better. We need to donate generously and get involved in the mandir activities and fullfill your responsibility towards community, the team here is very good and has lot of aspirations to do good.
